
It all started when...

Sometimes soulmates come together in the unexpected form of human and dog.  Over 13 years ago Debby and Akira were given a soul's assignment for this lifetime and were brought together to both heal codependency and abandonment fears to step fully into their autonomous power, self-worth, and experience the true meaning of love.  

In sharing these stories it is Debby's intention to illuminate Akira's sweet and beautiful soul, life's purpose, and the un-ending love and devotion they have for each other.  It is also our hope that this will inspire others to step into their true power, worth, and love.

And while Debby had intuitively been receiving guidance for many years that she was to tell their story and share the wisdom and insights gleaned along the journey, it is with a heavy heart that she is telling them in the face of her greatest fears - losing her most beloved.  After having been bitten by what is believed to be a very poisonous brown recluse spider nearly 4 months ago, the poison has caused such toxicity and a tumor with the cancer eating a way at her leg bones.  The good news is that it is currently isolated in the leg, but she made a heart-wrenching decision and has scheduled to have her leg removed next week. 

It's beyond comprehension at times, emotionally on a roller coaster, and doing her best to stay as present to Akira as possible.  She is told everything that she has done over the last 4 months has kept her alive (laser therapy, chinese herbs, antiobiotics, pain medicine, water therapy, and more) and is why the toxins are now isolated in her leg after initially traveling through her body.  

While it is difficult for her to focus on much else at this point but helping Akira to stay comfortable and keep her spirits up with bouts of tears through out the days, she knows she must follow her intuitive guidance.  She trusts her intuition profusely and even when it is difficult and more so tests logic, she knows that in following her intuition that she will best serve Akira when all she wants to do is suspend time and curl up in a ball with her beloved.  It's taking every ounce of courage and determination to see this through, and she will do anything to see her beloved's life continue on and her life's purpose to be fulfilled at its greatest potential.  

Debby's heart and soul is urging her at this challenging time to share her gratitude and immense love for Akira and how much they've learned and grown together.  She is deeply passionate about making sure that Akira's life purpose is fulfilled in this lifetime together.  She wants all the trials and tribulations that Akira has experienced in their life time together, as a highly sensitive soul, be appreciated and have great meaning and purpose...and Debby feels strongly that this experience being the greatest challenge of all.  Debby's love for Akira is so immense and she will do everything in her power to see her through this painful time and to feel the immense love and joy that she deserves.


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