The Power of Love

Sometimes soulmates come together in the unexpected form of human and dog. Debby and Akira were brought together (in this lifetime) to both heal codependency and abandonment fears to step fully into their autonomous power, self-worth, and experience the true meaning of love.


Debby has intuitively been receiving guidance for many years that she was to tell their story and share the wisdom and insights gleaned along the journey, and it is with a heavy heart that she is telling them in the face of her greatest fears - losing her most beloved. It is with great passion and courage.....

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Akira's Blog

Follow along on Akira's journey to healing and empowerment reading the most recent blog posts and status. Also, share your love, support, and comments to support her healing.

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The Book

In writing the "Akira And Me" Book it is Debby's intention to illuminate Akira's sweet and beautiful soul, life's purpose, and the un-ending love and devotion they have for each other. It is also our hope that this will inspire others to step into their true power, worth, and love.

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